There are numerous species of snails, but each has a very small habitat, often in a specific location. They quickly become extinct when they are displaced from their homes by human activity, invasive alien species, and rising temperatures. Snails contribute to the health of the forest by eating fungi that arrive on trees, and they are in the food chain by becoming food for other creatures. Where snails perish, trees are prone to disease and the ecosystem is out of balance.
 Snail researchers are working hard to protect them, but the speed of extinction is very fast. Research and protection of snails requires the understanding and cooperation of many people, including local residents, landowners, and government agencies. And environmental education for youth and children is also an important and noble mission. 
As a side note, there is a legend among the indigenous people of the Hawaiian Islands that snails living in the trees sing with beautiful voices. Although the truth is not certain, wouldn't it be wonderful if you could hear singing from the trees in the forest?


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