More important than money
Utilizing the grain of waste wood
The Kruger National Park in Africa, where many of the world's rhinos live, was once home to a large number of rhinos; around 2010, more than 10,000 rhinos lived there, but in recent years the rhino population has declined significantly, with only about 3,000 white rhinos and 250 black rhinos left. Many of the residents around Kruger are poor, and there are many cases of jobless young people being approached by terrorist organizations that use rhino horn as a source of funding to poach rhinos. The poachers then use bribes and border crossings to get around the park's security. Money is the reason rhinos are being targeted for their horns and becoming extinct.
Efforts to nullify the market value of rhino horn and the eradication of international poverty must be hastened in order to protect the rhinoceros. A species that has been destroyed cannot be regained. What is more important than money?